Charlie Sheen is similar to the Apostle Paul?

What person could disagree with Charlie Sheen’s ambition to win and be a winner?  Though this out of control superstar has gone even too far for Hollywood, He has one thing right.  Winning is important.  We all want to win.

Though I am not a psychologist I get the impression that Charlie Sheen was overwhelmed by the self-degradation that rehabilitation programs put a person through.  Many programs focus on “Self” as  the problem and “Self” as the solution.   With enough drive you can change yourself.  If you only realize how badly You have been behaving then You will change your behavior.  I think that Sheen has become overwhelmed and has given up.  He is tired of feeling like a loser and has decided to attempt to be a winner not by changing his behavior but by calling what he is doing good.  It is the inner struggle of attempting to do right that is consistent with Paul, Charlie Sheen, and all of us.   And at times I would prefer to just throw up my hands and call myself a success rather than deal with genuine problems.

Sin in us is the problem and we by ourselves are never going to change.  Paul documents his personal struggle at the end of Romans 7 saying that the good he wanted to do he can’t and the bad he does not want to do he does.  The climax of this speech is Romans 7 :24 “O wretched man that I am! who shall deliver me from the body of this death?.”  The only question remains is how do we win?

Romans 7:25  “I thank God through Jesus Christ our Lord.”

Winning at life and life’s struggles is found in Christ.

Paul’s conclusion of the following chapter in v. 37   “We are more than conquerors through Him that loved us an gave Himself for us.” We are winners through Christ.  My prayers are with Charlie Sheen.  It is obvious how much he wants to see himself as a success.  I hope he finds success in Jesus Christ.  The only person who will be able to truly make a changing difference.  Then he can truly live what is now tattooed on his wrist.   Winning!

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